
Website redesign strategy

meeting illustration

We all know that the traditional website redesign process is tricky.

Lots of web managers have had their hope dashed in the experience. If you’ve been one, you know what I mean… plunging into the unknown.. fingers-crossed hoping for a smooth transition.

But, it often isn’t smooth. More often than not, redesigns end up over-budget, over-due, and under-performing. We’ve heard stories of 20-40% drops in conversion rates after such transitions.


They’ve been fooled into thinking a redesign will lift conversions and revenue. You might assume a beautiful new design, following the industry-accepted “best practices” will increase customer trust and therefore your sales.

That’s a false hope.

It seems the process used by most marketing departments doesn’t consider the risks involved. Think about the number of changes you make during a redesign. Multiply that number by the depth of change for each element. And the result? Perhaps some changes help your conversion rate, but some are definitely counterproductive. How do you determine which have a positive or negative effect?

There is usually no system put in place to monitor and justify changes against key conversion metrics. Minimizing these risks can only be achieved with a careful conversion optimization strategy. You need to understand the target audience, set up controlled split tests, and analyze vast amounts of real-time data to make informed changes.

A far better method is to perform website analytics continuously. Now, monitoring multiple parameters, geo-related statistics, etc. can be tedious and time-consuming. Luckily there’s StatsAnalyzer – most of these chores are completely automated and are performed with minimum involvement from your side.

With StatsAnalyzer your website will continuously keep up and surpass the success of the rest of the web.